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URGENT : 3.6 vray on Slave not working after installing online license on workstation

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  • URGENT : 3.6 vray on Slave not working after installing online license on workstation

    Trying to revert to 3.6 on servers after installing Next on the main workstation.
    The slaves are not working anymore and I believe it is due to the change of system license on the workstation (to installed Next, the license have to be switch to online).
    The server is visible trough backburner, so the problem is not link to IP.

    Please advice quickly how to solve it;

  • #2
    I change the License server to as per the setup of the main workstation. Now the error message is " not responding".
    ThREstart servers on render end is on, but it doesn't solve anything.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by fraggle; 01-07-2018, 01:15 AM.


    • #3
      More information :
      - The server render fine with backburner, the problem only happens on Direct rendering mode.
      - DR work fine if I launch the vrayspawner manually instead of running as service.
      Last edited by fraggle; 01-07-2018, 01:32 AM.


      • #4

        It appears that the issue is not related to the licensing. Can you please send us the 3ds Max log to in order to troubleshoot further. If the service is running with the Administrator user then the log should be located in C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsM ax\201* - 64bit\ENU\Network

        Please stop the service, then delete the log file. Afterwards please start the service, wait about 2-3 minutes for the spawner to initiate and start the distributed rendering from the workstation. Then please send us the newly created log file.


        • #5
          Thanks, what service are your talking about?
          The VRayspawner running as service on the slave?

          Thanks to clarify.


          • #6
            Please find the log file.
            Attached Files


            • #7

              Please try the following:
              1. Create a new user in Windows with administrator rights (for example name the user vray ) and set a password.
              2. Go to services.msc and change set the VRayspawner to run with the new user.
              3. Start the service, you might need to wait a couple of minutes for 3ds Max and V-Ray to initiate.
              4. Afterwards please try to start a distributed rendering from the workstation with that render node.

              If you still get an issue afterwards please send us the logs from the new user that you created.
              In case the username "vray" for example the logs will be located in C:\Users\vray\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsM ax\201* - 64bit\ENU\Network


              • #8
                Thanks for your advice, but this slave have been working find for years. The problem occur since I installed VrayNext on the workstation shift the license system from Dongle to online.
                I make no sense to create a new admi user when absolutely nothing change on the slave neither on the main workstation except installing Vraynext, then going back to 3.6. Going this way I will have to create such new user into each slave, configure again max permisison, antivirus...
                No hardware change, no network change, no antivirus change, I just upgrade the slave to the last 3.x version and revert to 3.6 from vraynext on the main workstation because Chaos is unable to sales upgrade online and going trough dealer take ages.
                Don't make thing more tricky than what they are please.
                The issues has something do to with the online licensing


                • #9

                  According to the information that you have provided the VRaySpawner works properly if it is run as application and not as a service.
                  Additionally the error that you get when you try to render is "Render host *** is not responding" which is related to the direct communication to the render node. The licenses are checked only after the connection to the render node is established which means that at this point this is not a licensing issue. There could be an issue with the licensing too however at this point we cannot confirm that unless we fix the communication/unresponsiveness issues with the render node.

                  I have checked the logs that you have sent and I can see that 3ds Max server does not start properly. It appears that it is not able to resolve the path as the user "Administrator" is listed as "Administrateur" probably due to using a specific system language setup in Windows. (Could not read/write file type: C:\Users\Administrateur\Documents\3dsMax).

                  Please try the steps I suggested in the previous post only on one of the render nodes - this will allows us to confirm if the problem is caused by the different usernames used for the build in administrator account.

                  In case creating a second user on the render node is not an option please try the following instead:
                  1. Clear the Backburner settings - to do so please stop Backburner if it is running then delete the folder C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Backburner (username should be "Administrator" or "Administrateur")
                  2. Start the VRaySpawner as a service with the administrator account.
                  3. Check if you are able to render.

                  Alternatively try these steps too if the above does not work:
                  1. Clear the Backburner settings for the local system account if they exist - they should be located in C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\L ocal\Backburner
                  2. Set the service to start up as the local system account then start it.
                  3. Check if you are able to render.

                  "No hardware change, no network change, no antivirus change, I just upgrade the slave to the last 3.x version and revert to 3.6 from vraynext on the main workstation..."
                  Can you please confirm if there were any changes performed on the render node machine.
                  Also please make sure that the V-Ray version installed on the workstation is the exact same version as the one installed on the render slave.

                  "...because Chaos is unable to sales upgrade online and going trough dealer take ages.
                  Don't make thing more tricky than what they are please."

                  Please contact our Sales team directly at - they can provide you with more information regarding the upgrade options that you have and assist you further.


                  • #10
                    Ok, I just upgrade to avoid all this problem, but sadly Next is not compatible with my farm!


                    • #11

                      If that is alright with you we can inspect your setup and assist you with it, however we will need additional information in order to confirm the cause of the issues that you are experiencing. If that is alright with you please send us an e-mail to - please add the link from the forum topic in your e-mail.


                      • #12
                        THanks but I already get a mail from the support about this issues. Vraynext is simply no more compatible with older hardware server due to SSE version.

