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Vrscans - no license found

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  • Vrscans - no license found

    I successfully installed v-ray next EDU for 3ds max but when I create VrayScannedMtl it says 'No license found'. I previously had v-ray next trial version and it's still active (20 days left). Is EDU version compatible with VRscans trial?

  • #2
    You can use Vrscans with a student version of V-Ray if you own a student version of Vrscans. Generally speaking - V-Ray and Vrscans should require the same type of license (commercial, educational, etc)
    You can use Vrscans with the trial build of V-Ray until it expires and after that you can purchase a student version of Vrscans. In any case - after the trial expires you should install back the student version of V-Ray.
    Ivan Slavchev


    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Thank you for quick reply. On the VRscans webpage it says 'try VRscans library free for 90 days'. So basically this option only works with commercial license not educational?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Soyal7 View Post
        Thank you for quick reply. On the VRscans webpage it says 'try VRscans library free for 90 days'. So basically this option only works with commercial license not educational?
        Yes, that's correct.
        Ivan Slavchev


        Chaos Group


        • #5
          I will go with VRscans EDU license then. On the VRscans download section some materials are for trial only and the other ones are for 'commercial license'. To clarify, does these materials labeled 'commercial license' work with educational VRscans version?


          • #6
            Yes, they will work with the full library.
            Ivan Slavchev


            Chaos Group


            • #7
              Ivan, I haven't tried vray scans yet but will they render at all if you don't have a license? Say for example you have an expired trial would it render but with some kind of watermark?


              • #8
                Originally posted by joconnell View Post
                Ivan, I haven't tried vray scans yet but will they render at all if you don't have a license? Say for example you have an expired trial would it render but with some kind of watermark?
                Depends on the 3d application, but in general - you'll get a render with waremarks and you won't be able to edit the material.
                Ivan Slavchev


                Chaos Group


                • #9
                  That's kind of good enough! We've got a few materials made into vrscans as part of a reference library that we bring on set, kind of like a better grey ball / silver ball so we can use them as reference materials - I'm thinking of doing the same for my own projects so it's good to know I can get something scanned and not need a full license to see it!

