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once again...

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  • once again...

    "there are no available licenses of this type on the chaosgroup license server"

    i have borrowed my licenses, on the same machine that is erroring, specifically to avoid licensing problems.

    license management page shjows server is active and shows my 2 borrowed licenses.

    this is the 4th time ive had my license drop out mid job. borrowing doesnt seem to help much.

    i can only hope it comes back soon, i have a deadline in a couple of hours.

  • #2
    Does restarting the license server help?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      it has come back again by itself....


      • #4
        Ok. In any case I forwarded this thread to our licensing team for suggestions.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          My customers have the same trouble. It is completely unreliable in critical situations.
          The dongle is still a much better solution.

          Once borrowed, the license still seems to be affected online.
          To avoid this, we probably need to completely disconnect the PC from the Internet.

          Chaos Group should provide full offline license to the desired customers.
          For example, RLM is expensive but works ideally.

          OakCorp Japan - Yuji Yamauchi


          • #6
            Yes, I totally agree that we must have a more reliable system.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              Originally posted by super gnu View Post
              it has come back again by itself....
              Even though this works now, it would be extremely helpful if you can pack the contents of the folder "C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup\logs" and send it to me at - it will tell us what exactly happened and take measures to prevent this in the future.

              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • #8
                Are you on the latest license server? That should be 5.2.2. Are you running the server on your local machine or it is a remote machine? What OS?
                When you do borrow licenses, our License Server will work completely offline for engaging a license if they are available, but because your online licenses are augmented to the offline licenses, we will try to merge the global state of the licenses with your local one.
                When a license is requested by V-Ray, your LS will first check if you have licenses on your dongle, then it will try your offline pool of licenses, then your online licenses and may be on-demand, in other words priority is always set to be in favor of the user. For example, if you have borrowed licenses, but all are engaged, LS will check if there are available licenses in your global pool of licenses. If there is no connectivity for some reason it will fail gracefully.

                The latest versions of our LS are extremely performant and could work with thousands of requests per core.

                It will be nice and helpful if you can provide more information to our support team in order to investigate the exact problem/issue.

                Thank you so much and really sorry for the trouble,

                Boris Simandoff
                Director Engineering
                Chaos Group


                • #9
                  Hi, thanks for the reply.. im using license server 5.2.2

                  i have removed my dongle from the machine, as i migrated to online licensing. maybe i can revert back to dongle somehow? until i migrated i never had a single license issue in 10+ years..

                  license server is running on local machine, windows 7 x64.

                  i will send the log files to vlado.. hopefully it will shed some light on the situation.

                  luckily until now, the few times its happened, its been a relatively short issue, from a few minutes , to an hour or so.. but it seems random, i will be working, then suddenly, license unavailable.. sometimes when open a new instance of max, sometimes in the middle of a session. not happened enough times to find a pattern. license manager seems to show all is fine. it then comes back by itself, independent of any restarts of the license service.


                  • #10
                    new variation today... i have one copy of max open which im using happily. open another copy (on the same machine) it says no license available. license is still available in original copy. wtf?


                    • #11
                      Same as above. Sometimes the license just drops in another Max version on the same machine.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by super gnu View Post
                        new variation today... i have one copy of max open which im using happily. open another copy (on the same machine) it says no license available. license is still available in original copy. wtf?
                        Can you tell me what V-Ray version you have installed for both 3dsMax versions?

                        Ivan Slavchev


                        Chaos Group


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ivan.slavchev View Post

                          Can you tell me what V-Ray version you have installed for both 3dsMax versions?
                          Hi Ivan, im already in contact with Mihail Kuzev via email, who has already taken this information.. however, i am using the latest version of NEXT on both versions of Max, with the latest license server.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by super gnu View Post

                            Hi Ivan, I'm already in contact with Mihail Kuzev via email, who has already taken this information.. however, i am using the latest version of NEXT on both versions of Max, with the latest license server.
                            I'll talk with him in that case and take it from there.
                            Ivan Slavchev


                            Chaos Group


                            • #15
                              This is BS. I might as well pirate VRay as it's more reliable that way. FIX THIS SHIT, I've been spamming the F9 button for half an hour and our licenses aren't coming back online. Same with my colleagues. Very very dissatisfied.


