Hello, i have big problem. I have barely had problems with distributed rendering with vray, but since yesterday i can't render with my rendernode. I don't know why. I've tried everything. Firewalls on both computers are off, i tried to switch port from 20204 to 30304 and the only difference is that on 20204 warning says - Could not connect to host, because target ( host ) computer denies connection. On 30304 port warning says just render node is not responding. On both machines i installed the latest version of license manager and latest build of Vray NEXT. Could you please help me find a solution? My deadline is coming very fast. My workstation operation system is Win 10, rendernode system is win 7.
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Vray NEXT rendernode doesn't connect in DR.
Port 30304 is used by your licenses server. Distributed rendering is using port 20204, unless you have manually changed that setting. Please contact us at support@chaosgroup.com with information about your account, screenshots from the Chaos License server page and the error that you get inside 3ds Max.
Please use the support@chaosgroup.com address whenever you have an urgent issue.Nikolay Simeonov
Technical Support Representative
Chaos Group