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Could not obtain a license (1002)

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  • Could not obtain a license (1002)

    I was working with Maya and V-Ray5 all was fine but suddenly Vray it stopped working. And when I got to the script editor this is what it says:

    // Error: line 1: V-Ray : Could not obtain a license (1002): 1002: All the licenses for this product are currently engaged. //

    Tried to uninstall the license server and installed again (5.5 license server) but with no luck. During the install I also set to create te exception for the firewall.
    Atteched you can see two screenshots one from the script editor, the second is from the license server. It says that even if I don't run maya I'm still using a render node with the ip address:

  • #2
    Thank you for the screenshots.
    We can see in our database that your license is not engaged at the moment and it should be available. Please confirm.
    Also please tell us if the ip address is the same ip addres of your machine? Sometimes the license needs 1-2 minutes to release after V-Ray is used and crashed for example.
    You can also send us an e-mail at, where we can help with remote assistance if needed.
    Thank you.
    Last edited by stefan.isakov; 07-10-2020, 12:31 AM.
    Stefan Isakov

    Technical Support Team Lead
    Contact Support



    • #3
      I'm having the same Error, it says the interface license is in use.... Error: Could not obtain an interface license (-19: -198: All the licenses for this product are currently engaged.
      And it's not leting me render or preview.


      • #4
        I'm having the same issue and need some help. I'm on a movie and tight production schedule. any help would be greatly appreciated thank you!


        • #5
          Im currently having the same issue right now. Machine froze and I had to reboot, then I got the Vray error 1002. I have stopped and started the local license server several times, and restarted my machine several times. I have to render in both Maya 2018 with Vray next, and Maya 2020 with Vray 5. Ive emailed support but any help on here would be greatly appreciated.



          • #6
            Could you please send us an e-mail with screenshots of your issues, your account information - e-mail address/username, and the exact version of V-Ray installed, so we can help you further with your issues? If you already e-mailed to our, please confirm if the issue is resolved or you still need any assistance? Thank you
            Stefan Isakov

            Technical Support Team Lead
            Contact Support



            • #7
              Hi, have a problem when I start DR rendering on my Slavemachine. error: could not obtain a license (1002): All the licenses for this product are currently engaged.

              As far as I understood I get with my VRay 5 license for C4D for render slave licensee extra - more have to be extra purchased.


              • #8
                We can see that you have 1 x V-Ray for Cinema 4d Workstation license.
                The basic license bundle is a V-Ray Workstation. It includes one V-Ray Graphic User Interface (GUI) license and one V-Ray Render Node license.
                The GUI license in your bundle unlocks the V-Ray menus in your 3D host platform - it enables you to use the V-Ray plugin in the host platform interface, to navigate V-Ray menus, use materials, etc. This license is not used for rendering.

                The V-Ray Render Node license is used when rendering - when you start a render job a V-Ray Render Node license is engaged, regardless of the rendering is initiated on your local workstation or on a remote render slave machine. In order to use more computers for rendering, you can purchase additional V-Ray Render Node licenses (1 per machine).

                If you want to use one machine you only need V-Ray for Cinema 4D, if you want to distribute the rendering to a second machine you need a Render Node license per each additional machine.
                Stefan Isakov

                Technical Support Team Lead
                Contact Support



                • #9
                  Originally posted by stefan.isakov View Post
                  We can see that you have 1 x V-Ray for Cinema 4d Workstation license.
                  The basic license bundle is a V-Ray Workstation. It includes one V-Ray Graphic User Interface (GUI) license and one V-Ray Render Node license.
                  The GUI license in your bundle unlocks the V-Ray menus in your 3D host platform - it enables you to use the V-Ray plugin in the host platform interface, to navigate V-Ray menus, use materials, etc. This license is not used for rendering.

                  The V-Ray Render Node license is used when rendering - when you start a render job a V-Ray Render Node license is engaged, regardless of the rendering is initiated on your local workstation or on a remote render slave machine. In order to use more computers for rendering, you can purchase additional V-Ray Render Node licenses (1 per machine).

                  If you want to use one machine you only need V-Ray for Cinema 4D, if you want to distribute the rendering to a second machine you need a Render Node license per each additional machine.
                  So, if I'm reading this right, you're saying if I have Cinema on 1 machine, it uses my 1 Render node to render. And if I want that machine and my other machine to help I need to own 2 Render nodes? Really?

                  I could not get my DR machine to run renders as I was getting the (1002) error all licenses for this product are currently engaged. So I turned off render on local host and my DR machine worked! What?

                  So back in the day I owned V-Ray and 10 render nodes and now I have V-Ray and 1 node that is used by the same machine that I work on. The short answer to all of this is to buy more nodes?

                  Please let me know if I'm understanding this correctly.


                  • #10
                    Yes, you're correct. If you have 1 render node and exclude the main machine, you will be able to render with the render slave machine. However if you want to use Distributed Rendering on multiple machines, you will need a render node for each machine.

                    Hope this makes sense. Feel free to reach us if you need more help


                    • #11
                      I'm having the same issue after a crash, I checked the IP where my only license is locked in, and this is different from my local IP.., how do we shutdown this thing? or how do we change the IP? or how do we reset this.., we need more control...


                      • #12
                        same issue here...there´s a foreign machine in my network using one of my renderslave licenses.... but here it´s a 3dsmax system...

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	license_server_hijacked.PNG
Views:	6571
Size:	111.1 KB
ID:	1114234


                        • #13
                          Having the 198 license issue....again! Can this ever be resolved? Ive often lost a few hours to Ive lost over 5. Im going to request a discount on my next Vray payment after this since the time its cost me today basically pays for my Vray for a year!


                          • #14
                            I got this response from support today regarding the frozen license issue

                            Hello, uninstall the Chaos license server (from Control Panel -->Programs and features), then open Windows explorer and navigate to C:\Program files\Common files\Chaosgroup and delete the ssl folder. After that login to our website, download and install the Chaos license server from the link below:
                            During the installation click on Customize and untick the box "Activate during installation" and click on Install now. If you see any error messages click on the Ignore button. After the installation is finished open http://localhost:30304 in your web browser and activate the Online licensing with your email. After that you should see your licenses listed on the page and be able to use V-Ray.

