Apologies if this is deemed a double post but I thought maybe it warranted a separate ticket.
Title says it all. I still have no account access ( 2 weeks now) and the last email response I had was 10 days ago.
Today I woke to the error 'The ChaosGroup License Server could not be reached'.
I am screwed until someone can help.
Much of my workload is over the weekend, so this really isn't good.
I understand you guys are busy with Vray for Max, Maya, C4D, Modo, Unreal, Sketchup, Lavina, Phoenix
and whatever else I missed, but this basic and crucial license stuff seems to be still ongoing and extremely problematic for many; inducing stress and
leading many times to lost work and missed deadlines.
Title says it all. I still have no account access ( 2 weeks now) and the last email response I had was 10 days ago.
Today I woke to the error 'The ChaosGroup License Server could not be reached'.
I am screwed until someone can help.
Much of my workload is over the weekend, so this really isn't good.
I understand you guys are busy with Vray for Max, Maya, C4D, Modo, Unreal, Sketchup, Lavina, Phoenix
and whatever else I missed, but this basic and crucial license stuff seems to be still ongoing and extremely problematic for many; inducing stress and
leading many times to lost work and missed deadlines.