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I have one render node license available, but I'm have issues getting one of my render nodes to pick up this license

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  • I have one render node license available, but I'm have issues getting one of my render nodes to pick up this license

    I just checked here:http://localhost:30304/#/bundle/rendernode

    ...and I can confirm that 7 of my 8 render node licenses are in use, and 1 is available. But I am having issues where one of my render nodes will not pick up this license. Thing were running fine on this node just a couple weeks ago, and then this issue started popping up. Now my jobs just fail if I try to use this node, and I get an error saying that it failed to obtain a license. I tried reinstalling the VRay license server on this node, restarted, and I'm still having the same issue.

    I have to say, I've been dealing with annoying license error issues with my VRay licenses for some time now. My Thinkbox licenses don't give me anywhere near this much trouble

  • #2
    Can no one help me with any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

    I have tried reinstalling VRay on the render node, but it still will not work and cannot pick up a VRay license. I can confirm that the PC is online and there are no network issues. The same node can render scanline and Krakatoa jobs just fine, but it just can't seem to connect to a VRay license.

    When I check here http://localhost:30304/#/bundle/rendernode I can see that I have couple render node licenses available, but one PC just can't seem to grab a license for some reason.

    Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


    • #3
      Hello, it will be best if you submit a ticket using the following link:
      We'll need some sensitive info as your email address associated with the licenses which is not advised to be shared on the forums. Make sure to attach some screenshots of the license server and details about the versions of V-Ray and the host 3d application you are using in the ticket as well.
      Kostadin Botev

      Technical Support Representative
      Contact Support



      • #4
        Thank you very much Kostadin, but I have finally resolved the issue. I did have VRay and the license server installed OK on the render node in question, but I found that I simply had to log back into the license server account on that render node in order for a license to get picked up. Once I did that the license got picked up and VRay began rendering again.

        While it happened several weeks back and therefore it's hard for me to provide specific details, I will note that VRay had been running just fine on this node for several months, and then it randomly began failing on all jobs. So I can't help but find it odd that all my other render nodes kept running VRay just fine, but the one node required a full reinstallation of VRay and reconnection to the license server to begin working again.


        • #5
          You can always set an alternate license server in V-Ray license settings for redundancy. For example you can set your main workstation (which I guess also has working license server) to be the alternate license server. You'll need to type the IP address of that computer as alternate license server. That way if something happens with the license server on the render node machine it will look for licenses in the alternate location. You can see how to change your license settings here:

          Kostadin Botev

          Technical Support Representative
          Contact Support


