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Online licensing - releasing a license

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  • Online licensing - releasing a license

    At our studio, we rely on V-ray and have just 1 Corona license for some specific projects. We use it quite rarely, the reoccurring issue is though, that the license gets assigned to a random user that doesn't actually use it. Is there a faster way to release a license than closing 3dsmax on the workstation? Or maybe we should use another setup for licensing in this case? Thanks!

  • #2
    Hello, the only way to effectively lock a license is to borrow ( it on the machine you want to use it on.That way it will be only available for that computer and others won't be able to take it.
    Kostadin Botev

    Technical Support Representative
    Contact Support



    • #3
      Thank you Kostadin,
      The issue is that the licenses get assigned and are effectively locked to (random?) running instances of 3dsmax across the network. Even though they are not used at all.
      I believe the sole reason for floating licenses' existence should be the possibility to seamlessly transfer them between resources that need them at the moment. This is not possible, unfortunately.

      What event causes the license to get assigned to a certain workstation? Maybe we can find a way to avoid the licenses being assigned, this would solve big part of the problem.


      • #4
        The only way a license that is borrowed for offline use on certain machine to be obtained and used on another is if they are in the same LAN, visible for each other and in the V-Ray license settings on the second machine you have added the IP address of the first as primary or alternate license server. There is no other way for that to happen. So make sure you don't point your computers to anything else than the localhost - and they will not by any means obtain a license from elsewhere.
        Kostadin Botev

        Technical Support Representative
        Contact Support



        • #5
          Thank you for the explanation, but I don't think this is a solution to our problem. We want to use a network license server + floating licenses so every artist can use both Vray and Corona whenever they need them. The issue is that the available online licenses get assigned to workstations that DON'T actively use Corona in any form. This prevents the other artists to obtain the licenses.

          In this case, borrowing offline licenses won't help, because usually there are none available.



          • #6
            Well, if licenses are taken without anyone using them (which shouldn't happen in any way) the best thing to do would be to open a support ticket. We would like to see that happening in real time in order to investigate further.
            Kostadin Botev

            Technical Support Representative
            Contact Support


