We're using V-Ray for Sketchup at Lancaster University, we're finding that we reach license exhaustion very quickly. It appears that licenses aren't being released when students quit the software. We could try relying on instructing them to go to Extensions - V-Ray - Help - License - Release V-Ray License, but we're concerned about relying on them doing the right thing! We should be able to automatically run a script to release on exit as we're deploying software with AppsAnywhere, which allows for such things.
Is there a command that we could run in the script that would release the license? some switch that we could supply to setverlservice.exe (have tried with -release, which just brings up the GUI dialog).
Many thanks in advance.
We're using V-Ray for Sketchup at Lancaster University, we're finding that we reach license exhaustion very quickly. It appears that licenses aren't being released when students quit the software. We could try relying on instructing them to go to Extensions - V-Ray - Help - License - Release V-Ray License, but we're concerned about relying on them doing the right thing! We should be able to automatically run a script to release on exit as we're deploying software with AppsAnywhere, which allows for such things.
Is there a command that we could run in the script that would release the license? some switch that we could supply to setverlservice.exe (have tried with -release, which just brings up the GUI dialog).
Many thanks in advance.