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Command line to release license?

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  • Command line to release license?


    We're using V-Ray for Sketchup at Lancaster University, we're finding that we reach license exhaustion very quickly. It appears that licenses aren't being released when students quit the software. We could try relying on instructing them to go to Extensions - V-Ray - Help - License - Release V-Ray License, but we're concerned about relying on them doing the right thing! We should be able to automatically run a script to release on exit as we're deploying software with AppsAnywhere, which allows for such things.

    Is there a command that we could run in the script that would release the license? some switch that we could supply to setverlservice.exe (have tried with -release, which just brings up the GUI dialog).

    Many thanks in advance.

  • #2
    (We may be misinterpreting what's happening here, it might just be too many folks trying to use the software at once, but it would be good if we could make absolutely sure that the licenses are released at the end of a session).


    • #3
      Hello julia_kirk,
      I can assure you that all of our software products release the license automatically when they are not in use.
      So in case any of your students closes Sketchup, the V-Ray license should be released in up to 1 minute time, depending on the network infrastructure, machine, and if Skechup is closed normally or crashed.
      You can monitor closely which machine is using your license and what the number of licenses left on the web page - ip_address:30304(ip_address is the IP address of the machine, where the Chaos license server is installed and activated), opened in a web browser from any machine in the local network.
      I am sorry to report, but there is no such tool or script that can release a license that is in use.
      In case you are 100% sure, that a student is not working with V-Ray, but the license is still engaged by his machine, and this license is not released automatically, please make sure to open a ticket to our system, so we can gather more information and investigate further.
      Let me know.
      Thank you.
      Stefan Isakov

      Technical Support Team Lead
      Contact Support


