My internet connection broke down and will not be back until later tomorrow.
the moment it stopped working Phoenix fd wouldn't work anymore either.
I didn't think that internet connection needs to be up all the time.Of course I didn't know about the failure of my connection so borrowing the license was not possible .
What to do?
I think that the licensing interval needs to be changed in general. Like, once checked, it is good for so many hours (24 or 36 seems reasonable when thinking about technical problems on internet provider side). It could check everytime the software is used and extend that period when checked for the next so and so hours. If the internet connection is broken from the beginning (starting to use the software AFTER the connection broke down) the license should be usable for the same period before it has to check again.
the moment it stopped working Phoenix fd wouldn't work anymore either.
I didn't think that internet connection needs to be up all the time.Of course I didn't know about the failure of my connection so borrowing the license was not possible .
What to do?
I think that the licensing interval needs to be changed in general. Like, once checked, it is good for so many hours (24 or 36 seems reasonable when thinking about technical problems on internet provider side). It could check everytime the software is used and extend that period when checked for the next so and so hours. If the internet connection is broken from the beginning (starting to use the software AFTER the connection broke down) the license should be usable for the same period before it has to check again.