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I cannot access my V-Ray licenses

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  • I cannot access my V-Ray licenses


    I've been having problems accessing my V-Ray licenses for days now and support has been slow to help me.

    I am using V-Ray for 3DS Max 2018, v.3.60.04, and I recently upgraded to LICENSE SERVER | 5.0.1

    As far as I can tell I am connected to the license server. When I select V-Ray as a renderer in 3DS Max I can see the license gets engaged here: http://localhost:30304/

    In the task manager I can see that VRLService is running.

    A few days ago I could render with V-Ray, but the render settings were unavailable and only displayed a license error. A couple days after that, V-Ray randomly wouldn't render any more, but now I could see the render settings. I can still see that a interface license gets engaged here: http://localhost:30304/
    Click image for larger version

Name:	VRay_licensing_server_status_.jpg
Views:	884
Size:	137.3 KB
ID:	996165
    This morning when I came in V-Ray was working all of a sudden, but after I restarted 3DS Max I was back to getting the same license error.

    I've tried restarting 3DS Max and my PC but this didn't help.

    Please see the attachments for screen grabs that show the errors.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	V-Ray_license_error_5_15_.jpg
Views:	941
Size:	596.4 KB
ID:	996166

    What else can I do to fix this?! I haven't been able to reliably use V-Ray for almost a week now and I need a solution to these issues!

  • #2
    I cannot find any email sent from you to

    Apart from that - you've activated the license server on 11 machines (you can see them all on That would mean that potentially 11 computers can engage your licenses, and since you have only 3 interface licenses - it's easily possible that someone else has engaged your license.
    More to it - you have a commercial build installed, and you have only 1 ADV license, meaning that one other person is enough to take your license.

    In the screenshots you've posted - you can see in the license server's interface that the Interface license is already engaged - if you click on the blue digit, showing the engaged license - you'll be able to see who's engaging your licenses from time to time.
    Ivan Slavchev


    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Hi Ivan, could I send you a private message with more info about my account and help ticket #? thanks


      • #4
        FYI - I just generated a new help ticket for this: 207-323-160 


        • #5
          Originally posted by James_78 View Post
          FYI - I just generated a new help ticket for this: 207-323-160 
          OK, we'll continue throught the ticketing.

          PS: I've disabled my PMs, too many people started abusing that option at one point.
          Ivan Slavchev


          Chaos Group

