long time with out a post around here..
I down loaded pdplayer a few weeks ago.. and I must say : great job!
really cool, fast "to the point" tool, I specially the little simple ( but efficient) utilities that make a big difference like: SDI cards support, the http web thing, seems very cool and effective, and the interface is very straight froward and well thought in some aspects like: the button in the top and bottom of the poup windows instead of another window..
other thoughts and questions:
-I wish I could change the blue of the interface. For color correction and better image appreciation I prefer something in the neutral grays range
-Is there some gpu acceleration going on? will there be?
-linux version?
-xp64 vesrion crashes my machine with blue screen err. ( 32 bit runs great)
-can we have export to Toxik?
keep up the good work
long time with out a post around here..
I down loaded pdplayer a few weeks ago.. and I must say : great job!
really cool, fast "to the point" tool, I specially the little simple ( but efficient) utilities that make a big difference like: SDI cards support, the http web thing, seems very cool and effective, and the interface is very straight froward and well thought in some aspects like: the button in the top and bottom of the poup windows instead of another window..
other thoughts and questions:
-I wish I could change the blue of the interface. For color correction and better image appreciation I prefer something in the neutral grays range
-Is there some gpu acceleration going on? will there be?
-linux version?
-xp64 vesrion crashes my machine with blue screen err. ( 32 bit runs great)
-can we have export to Toxik?
keep up the good work