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maya default viewer-- FCcheck----->>PDplayer (it doesn't work playblast)

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  • maya default viewer-- FCcheck----->>PDplayer (it doesn't work playblast)

    here is my maya preference setting
    Click image for larger version

Name:	1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	82.2 KB
ID:	874248

    and i found this in maya2011 doc
    Click image for larger version

Name:	2.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	62.8 KB
ID:	874250

    as you can see

    this also applies to "playblast and hypershade >Edit >render Texture

    but it does't works.. i meean..

    it change fccheck to pd player but that's it

    no playblast animation..( iff format)

    how can i use pdplayer to playblast animations
    (file>view image and File>view sequence menu is works)

    i really want to use pdplayer to playblast animations
    Last edited by powderblue1742; 09-05-2012, 05:21 PM.

  • #2
    Dear Sir,

    To fix that in the Optional Flags field on the second row enter "%f --fcheck --range=%s-%e/%b --fps=%r" without the inverted commas.

    Best Regards,


    • #3
      Works great, thanks!

      EDIT: Whoops! I get an incorrect sequence length. Original has 200 Frames @ 25fps, pdPlayer opens only 76 frames when I use "File -> open sequence". But that's not a big deal. When using it directly for playblast reviewing everything works fine.
      Last edited by pechart; 23-11-2012, 05:53 AM.


      • #4
        I also cant get this to replace fcheck even with putting %f --fcheck --range=%s-%e/%b --fps=%r in the second flag option box,
        Thanks for your help.

        PS. pdplayer opens but no frames show up


        • #5
          Now this works fine on my studio PC but my home PC will not load PDPlayer for playblasting.
          I'm getting an error for file format not being set in prefs?

          // Warning: line 0: flag not valid with 'iff' output format //
          // Warning: line 0: Command format is not specified for Image Viewer in preferences. //

          So where is it reading that .iff format from? I have all the globals set to png, the image viewer preferences is set to load PDP with the string of flags in previous post.

          Any ideas?

