here is my maya preference setting

and i found this in maya2011 doc

as you can see
this also applies to "playblast and hypershade >Edit >render Texture
but it does't works.. i meean..
it change fccheck to pd player but that's it
no playblast animation..( iff format)
how can i use pdplayer to playblast animations
(file>view image and File>view sequence menu is works)
i really want to use pdplayer to playblast animations
here is my maya preference setting
and i found this in maya2011 doc
as you can see
this also applies to "playblast and hypershade >Edit >render Texture
but it does't works.. i meean..
it change fccheck to pd player but that's it
no playblast animation..( iff format)
how can i use pdplayer to playblast animations
(file>view image and File>view sequence menu is works)
i really want to use pdplayer to playblast animations