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Over lay videos

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  • Over lay videos

    Can I over lay 2 videos over each and switch back and forth to view or make one more transparent to be able to see both at the same time?

    I want to over lay a cg plate/render over a live action plate to be able to match. I would like to know if that possible and if so how can I do that?


  • #2
    Can I over lay 2 videos over each and switch back and forth to view or make one more transparent to be able to see both at the same time?
    Yes, just drag and drop both videos in Pdplayer. Then you can switch on and of their visibility with the eye icon in the beginning of the layer Click image for larger version

Name:	eye_icon.png
Views:	1
Size:	2.7 KB
ID:	860148
    Furthermore you can control the transparency of a layer with the Opacity and Fade option in the Blending mode Click image for larger version

Name:	Opacity.png
Views:	1
Size:	8.5 KB
ID:	860149

    I would like to know if that possible and if so how can I do that?
    Could you please specify what you like to achieve. If you would like to overlay CG render over live action footage, Pdplayer will recognize the alpha channel from the cg render and will display the layer beneath.
    Zdravko Keremidchiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

