Hey guys
i think adding diffuse & Opacity channels to vray sun can enhance the quality of render, if we compare between rendering with HDRI vs vray sun i noticed that:
1. VRay sun is better in: creating & controling shadows, easier to set the location and changing the orientation, faster in rendering, more flexible in case of rendering animations
2. HDRI is better in: more realistic specially in reflected element, can give a dramatic effect to the view
HDRI render

Vray sun render

please look at sun reflection and shadow
i think by improving the vraysky map vray sun will be the first choice to everyone
thanks a lot
i think adding diffuse & Opacity channels to vray sun can enhance the quality of render, if we compare between rendering with HDRI vs vray sun i noticed that:
1. VRay sun is better in: creating & controling shadows, easier to set the location and changing the orientation, faster in rendering, more flexible in case of rendering animations
2. HDRI is better in: more realistic specially in reflected element, can give a dramatic effect to the view
HDRI render
Vray sun render
please look at sun reflection and shadow
i think by improving the vraysky map vray sun will be the first choice to everyone
thanks a lot