Hey everyone,
Today we are releasing a new version of Phoenix for both 3ds Max and Maya. It contains many fixes and here are the important improvements and new features as well:
- Support for Maya 2018;
- Up to 30% faster simulation compared to 3.04 and 3.00.01;
- New Force Preview which you can use to check how Phoenix as well as native Max and Maya forces will affect the simulation;
- New method for slowing down fire/smoke simulations without resimulation (check the example videos here: https://docs.chaosgroup.com/display/...Input-FrmBlend );
- Resimulation of Phoenix VDB caches and load and restore from Phoenix VDB caches.;
- Stronger Approximate Scattering for brighter regions and lower scattering for the darker regions of the same volume;
- [Maya only] Support for nParticles as source emitters and nParticles with isntanced shapes as emitters and obstacles.
- Support for 3ds Max modifiers on FollowPath splines;
- A new command line cache_converter tool for converting already existing AUR cache sequences to OpenVDB without simulating again;
- Reworked entirely the C++ SDK.
Important bug fixes in this version are:
- [3ds Max only] Fixed crashes when simulating using any Phoenix textures in 3ds Max 2018 Update 2 and Update 3;
- Fixed issues with time-bend resimulation present in 3.04;
- Liquid particles penetrated the walls of thin static or moving geometries in large numbers. This has largely improved, but still needs some more work;
- Fixed fire/smoke simulation instabilities with huge veliocities coming in through open walls;
- Fire/smoke simulations with Buffered or PCG conservation may produce different results on each run;
- Many fixes for the FLIP solver simulation.
- Fixes for issues with the Ocean Horizon rendering present in 3.04.
You can check the 3ds Max builds here:
and the Maya builds here:
And here are the complete changelogs as well:
Cheers and happy simming
Today we are releasing a new version of Phoenix for both 3ds Max and Maya. It contains many fixes and here are the important improvements and new features as well:
- Support for Maya 2018;
- Up to 30% faster simulation compared to 3.04 and 3.00.01;
- New Force Preview which you can use to check how Phoenix as well as native Max and Maya forces will affect the simulation;
- New method for slowing down fire/smoke simulations without resimulation (check the example videos here: https://docs.chaosgroup.com/display/...Input-FrmBlend );
- Resimulation of Phoenix VDB caches and load and restore from Phoenix VDB caches.;
- Stronger Approximate Scattering for brighter regions and lower scattering for the darker regions of the same volume;
- [Maya only] Support for nParticles as source emitters and nParticles with isntanced shapes as emitters and obstacles.
- Support for 3ds Max modifiers on FollowPath splines;
- A new command line cache_converter tool for converting already existing AUR cache sequences to OpenVDB without simulating again;
- Reworked entirely the C++ SDK.
Important bug fixes in this version are:
- [3ds Max only] Fixed crashes when simulating using any Phoenix textures in 3ds Max 2018 Update 2 and Update 3;
- Fixed issues with time-bend resimulation present in 3.04;
- Liquid particles penetrated the walls of thin static or moving geometries in large numbers. This has largely improved, but still needs some more work;
- Fixed fire/smoke simulation instabilities with huge veliocities coming in through open walls;
- Fire/smoke simulations with Buffered or PCG conservation may produce different results on each run;
- Many fixes for the FLIP solver simulation.
- Fixes for issues with the Ocean Horizon rendering present in 3.04.
You can check the 3ds Max builds here:
and the Maya builds here:
And here are the complete changelogs as well:
Cheers and happy simming
