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Particle Shading Project File not Properly Illuminated?

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  • Particle Shading Project File not Properly Illuminated?

    Hey there! So, I've been going through the particle shading tutorial in Maya and downloading the associated file to see what the finished result should look like, but something strange has been going on. While the simulation in the file seems to be working properly, it looks like the bloom and glare aren't activating when I render an image. Is there, by any chance, a workaround for this, or some modification that I need to make in the project files for it to work?

  • #2
    Hey, could you share the exact Phoenix and V-Ray versions you are using so we can reproduce the problem here as well? Thank you
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Hey there, thanks for responding!! Yepyep, my Phoenix version is 3.12.00 and my V-Ray version is 4.04.02. Thanks again for your time!


      • #4
        Hmm, using Maya 2018 and these versions of Phoenix and V-Ray, it seems to be working here:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	with bloom.png
Views:	223
Size:	213.9 KB
ID:	1051739

        Click image for larger version

Name:	without bloom.png
Views:	237
Size:	224.9 KB
ID:	1051740

        Are you using an older Maya version by any chance? So far this is the only possible difference that comes to mind.
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          Hey again, thanks for looking into that! Perhaps I didn't phrase my issue particularly well. While I can activate the bloom and glare effect, it doesn't seem to have any influence on the render itself. I can't seem to be able to replicate the glowing effect that's shown in the tutorial. Attaching a photo from my end below, as well! I changed the colors of the particles when I was playing around, but everything else is exactly the same.

          Attached Files


          • #6

            Looks like your particles are not bright enough and the Bloom and Glare can't pick that . What you can do is to increase the color intensity in the Particle texture or increase the exposure from the VFB color corrections and it should work.

            Georgi Zhekov
            Phoenix Product Manager


            • #7
              Thank you so much!!!! Yeah, not sure why it wasn't working properly before, but doubling the color intensity on both of the textures seems to have gotten the Bloom and Glare to function! Thank you both again!

