I am testing this scene. there should be just a bit of smoke emitting from the base of the cylinder - like a smoking tire or something.
the sim would be perfectly fine as it is, but at the later frames take very long to simulate, because the adaptive grid got so long.
could you recommend a technique, how to make the smoke trail shorter, make those particels dye off faster, so the grid doesnt get to long.
also I am searching for a Phoenix video tutorial that just came out lately.
It was covering exactly this topic, showing a car tire burnout sim.
there were some nice tricks how to speed up the sim I remember.
I am testing this scene. there should be just a bit of smoke emitting from the base of the cylinder - like a smoking tire or something.
the sim would be perfectly fine as it is, but at the later frames take very long to simulate, because the adaptive grid got so long.
could you recommend a technique, how to make the smoke trail shorter, make those particels dye off faster, so the grid doesnt get to long.
also I am searching for a Phoenix video tutorial that just came out lately.
It was covering exactly this topic, showing a car tire burnout sim.
there were some nice tricks how to speed up the sim I remember.