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Smoke as Mist in Liquid sim

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  • Smoke as Mist in Liquid sim

    Hi there,
    I have seen in the documentation you can use a fire sim in relation to a liquid sim as an emitter. In attempting this you cannot select the liquid sim as the emitter so I assumed the grids must just over lap each other... no luck.

    Basically I have a water flow coming down onto a sphere.. generating mist, foam and splashes.

    The fire sim was setup for smoke only and I assumed I would see in some form or fashion something emitted in the fire sim.. zippo.

    I 100% am sure this is user error, but I really want to have that have look of a real misty effect like you see in heavy water falls and just cannot achieve it.

    Any suggestions?


  • #2

    There is this option "Can Pick Simulators" in the Phoenix Source, you gotta check it. Looking at it now, I think it's way overdue we remove that option and have it work as if it is enabled...

    Once you have this, also make sure to exclude the liquid source from interacting with the fire simulator, or it would start emitting its channels into it which would be undesired unless you really know what you want to happen. Another thing would be to exclude the fire simulator from the liquid simulator's interaction list, so once you have the fire simulated, it won't act as an obstacle to the liquid once you run the liquid sim.

    Hope this helps!
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      ok dumbass here forgot to exclude the fire channel.. sure a blazing waterfall looks very cool (or hot), but not what I wanted. I have it now, so just a matter of tweaking the smoke to look more 'misty'


      • #4
        Yaay! The Temperature/Liquid channel sharing the same cache channel is a legacy we gotta remove, but it's gonna break the Phoenix SDK and so it would probably happen for Phoenix 5 one day in the future...
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

