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Changing the water volume during the animation

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  • Changing the water volume during the animation

    I have a question about changing the water volume during the animation. Is it possible to change the liquid volume during the animation. Increase or decrease it.

    For example:

    I create animation based on your scene / tutorial „Liquid morphing”
    The problem is that I wanted to adjust the volume of water to the letters that appear one after the other.
    the water initiating object has a volume such as the first letter 1400
    but the second letter has a volume of 700, which is half the size,
    The third letter has more volume again 900…etc..
    Of course, I use the Body Force modifier to change shapes.
    Is there any way to adjust this volume of water to your shape almost perfectly?

    Best Regards

  • #2

    Deleted the other two identical topics you posted, hope you don't mind

    Indeed, in order to fill a shape with liquid, it needs to have the same volume. If it's less, you could use the inside spreading option of the body force, but if it's more, it's going to show up as excess liquid over the surface.

    It would be best if your liquid emitter emits the right volume right from the start. You could test this on a lower grid resolution and if you don't reduce the resolution too much, it should help you hit the right emitter volume.

    During simulation, you could also kill particles in certain volumes using Clear Inside from the right click properties of the geometry you would use, or you can use Phoenix 4's Particle Tuner to delete some particles - just add a condition in the form "if random [0-1] is less than 0.001", then delete particle. This will randomly delete particles as the simulation progresses and you can delete them faster by increasing 0.001 to a higher value or vice versa. This would also require trial and error though, so I suggest you use the previous approach - just scale your emitter and run a few low res sims until the text is filled with the right amount of liquid.

    Hope this helps, cheers!
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

