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How to kill single unwanted particles in phoenix 5

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  • How to kill single unwanted particles in phoenix 5

    Hello, I had almost 1.5 year pause in using and learning Phoenix. I know there are fabulous new features in most recent version. There is a good deal of ways to kill unwanted particles in Realflow basing on various thresholds. I have some classic bottle/dish pouring animation and some single liquid particles go off or stick to objects. Overall sim looks good. Is there a way to delete them using speed threshold or neighbor number condition? I remember it was hard to do in 4.0. Is this different now? Especially when sim is done, so I mean filtering out instead of simming from scratch again. Perhaps render isosurface or input smooth values can be useful (rendertime filtering)? I don't want to go to tyflow or prt/krakatoa exporting and editing level this time.


  • #2

    Currently with Phoenix 4, during the simulation phase you can use the Particle Tuner and kill particles based on a certain condition. In this case it can be if the speed of a particle is greater than a certain range - kill it.
    Though this is only during the simulation.

    After the simulation is done you can use the render cutter - this way you can render the liquid only inside or outside of the specified as cutter mesh. The other thing would be to play around with the isosufrace level as you have noted.

    Is you bottle mesh closed (no open edges, no overlapping faces)? Or is it that the particles are moving too fast (if they are - raising the steps per frame should help), they shouldn't get inside of the thick parts of the bottle.

    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      You can check how the Particle Tuner works during simulation time here -
      Georgi Zhekov
      Phoenix Product Manager


      • #4
        Alternately, if you use Krakatoa (commercial product from Thinkbox) the Magma Modifier can do all kinds of things (It's a flow-graph programming language of sorts). You turn the particles into a PRTSource object (or export to PRT). I use it as a particle Swiss Army knife.


        • #5
          Thanks for the reply,
          I can't find the reason particles interpenetrate in this particular scene. There might be so many reasons except the obvious ones (which I make sure I avoid) than I prefer just to cut them out from view than to look for the mishap for hours. The bottle is a simple deformed capsule object with cut neck and shell modifier added and stl check done as well. It should voxelize well. Steps are pretty high - about 12 and no fast movements in the bottle. I think the tunneling might be some sim scale or viscosity/surface tension issue. I am rather experienced fluid sim user so I know most of the ways on how to prevent such interpenetrations. But not this time. Thanks for the particle tuner link, I will update my knowledge on this.
          All the best!


          • #6
            Is it possible to send the scene over to the support mail with a link to this thread, so we can check if there is a problem on our side and if there is, fix it?

            Georgi Zhekov
            Phoenix Product Manager

