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Sticky liquid

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  • Sticky liquid

    the manual says "Sticky Liquid | wetdyn – This option produces a connecting force between the WetMap particles at the geometry surface and nearby liquid particles, when the liquid particles have at least a little Viscosity.

    So do I need to set default viscosity to like 0.001 and also enable viscosity in output channel. I just noticed this. I thought sticky value should be enough


  • #2
    Hehe, perfect timing - yes, you gotta enable viscosity, and the more viscosity, the stickier it will be, but we are also experimenting with a new approach where you would not need this anymore
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Perhaps you need water droplets stuck to the walls? In the real non viscous liquid, the surface tension does the trick, but in a simulation this would be too hard. In all the cases you need viscosity or surface tension enabled, or you will get just a thin film, covering the wet map, that is kind of pointless.
      VRScans developer


      • #4
        Ivaylo Katev we will change it so it does not need neither viscosity, nor surface tension.
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          Thank you. I think in the old version wetmaps were 3d that's why we got our liquid stuck without using viscosity. We are doing so because octane still cannot support black and white map for wetness

