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Meter Scale Advice

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  • Meter Scale Advice

    Hi all.

    We've just bought 2 licenses for PhoenixFD. Yay!

    I come from a Realflow background so know that scene scale etc is very important.

    We work in meter scale, not centimetre.

    Can anyone give any tips for working in this scale. I don't have phoenix open at the moment but would it be a case of putting the scale to 0.1, 10 or something else ?

    Are there any other things I need to look out for if working in metre scale?

    Thank a lot.


  • #2

    It does not matter at all how you choose to view your units.

    What matters is the sizes you see for the XYZ axes under the Grid rollout. These must be close to the size of the real world effect you want to simulate. E.g. if you simulate a candle, the simulator should be 10-15 cm tall (or 0.1 - 0.15 m - it's the same). If you already have some geometry in the scene that makes it hard to have the Simulator in the correct scale, you can just cheat it using the Scene Scale option at the top of the Grid rollout. As you change it, the XYZ sizes in the Grid rollout will update accordingly, and this will be what the solver sees when it simulates, so you can make it think the Simulator is actually smaller or larger than it really is.

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

