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Speed Up Simulation

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  • Speed Up Simulation

    Hi all.

    I'm attempting to simulate a jacuzzi. It's only really my 2nd time using Phoenix, my background with fluids is using Reaflow years ago.

    Is there a way to speed up simulations.. For example, in Realflow you used to be able to disable the viewport - that'd speed up the calculations.

    Also, I'm noticing the CPU is only being half used. Is there a way to get max usage.


    Click image for larger version

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Size:	428.7 KB
ID:	1107775

  • #2
    I've just put the sim on another system so I can do something else on mine

    This one is using even less CPU and seems to be the same time/frame as my system.

    Also, It has 4 NUMA node entries - mine was greyed out.

    I would have thought the sim would process a lot faster on this other system

    Thanks again

    Click image for larger version  Name:	HEsowD4.png Views:	0 Size:	332.3 KB ID:	1107787


    • #3

      You can disable the preview during simulation from the Preview rollout and this should speed things up. You can find more about it here -

      As for the Numa machine - unfortunately NUMA and multiprocessor architectures do not perform well with Phoenix. Simulating on one NUMA node is often faster than waiting for multiple nodes to synchronize.

      You can check our hardware recommendations here -

      Georgi Zhekov
      Phoenix Product Manager


      • #4
        Ok, thanks for the reply... So, how do you recommend I sort this?

        Do I select 1 node? For example, Node 0. Do I do something with the thread limit option? Or a combination of both ?

        I'm hesitant abt doing anything until I hear back from you because I don't want to risk messing up the current sim.

        I'd assume that anything I need to do I'd have to stop the sim first, do something from above..... then restore the sim

        Thanks again

        Click image for larger version

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Size:	69.6 KB
ID:	1107795


        • #5

          Yes. You can stop the sim, select one of the Numa nodes, either one should be fine.

          Then just restore the sim from the last frame.

          Another tip that you can use depending on the scene you're making (you can shrink the grid on one of the axis so it becomes narrower) - this way you would be able to iterate faster the behavior of your liquid. Obviously this would work only in certain cases but it is worth mentioning.
          Georgi Zhekov
          Phoenix Product Manager


          • #6
            I'll give it a whirl.... thanks again


            • #7
              Hmmmmmm. If anything that's made it worse.

              It's now added on 5-6 extra secs per frame and the cpu usage has dropped a bit too.

              Just selected all of the NUMA nodes and it's back to being faster by 5-6 secs per frame.

              Weird.. Thanks anyway.


              • #8
                Hey, can you also check how quickly today's nightlies will simulate for you?

                I did some small changes the other day so they might be of some benefit....
                Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                • #9
                  Thanks. I'll try to give that a try

                  Sorry for the constant questions..... which one should I use? We don't use Vray. Would I need to install this on all systems or just the one in question?

                  Will this cause issues with rendering on multiple systems?

                  If things don't work out I assume I need to uninstall and reinstall the phoenix version we're currently using

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	lyDznOK.png
Views:	500
Size:	132.9 KB
ID:	1107806


                  • #10
                    Ah, if you are not using V-Ray then it does not matter which one you install - these need to match the V-Ray version only if you do use V-Ray.
                    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

