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Foam What Am I Doing Wrong

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  • Foam What Am I Doing Wrong

    Hey all,

    I am at a loss on how to get foam forming at the base of a water fall like you see in nature. The link below is what I have done, you can see the foam is just sort of clumps and just is pushed away, there is just no foam forming at the impact point.

    At the start if this video is what I am trying to achieve

    I have tried B2B at 100, at 0, I don't birth any foam and rely on the Foam on Hit as it should be in reality. I have tried small amounts, large amounts, patterns and no patterns, life space is generally around 5 or 6.

    Is there anything obvious I should try from seeing the mess in my video compared to nature and the foam patterns that are forming in the water surface on impact in the video.

    Thanks, bit frustrated by it all I have to say.

  • #2
    Hmmmm, Foam on Hit is indeed what you need. But the scene is too chaotic for any conclusions to be drawn.

    Does it work as expected in a simple setup with calm, deep liquid underneath?

    I'm thinking it might be the depth of the liquid, or something to do with the Foam on Hit Depth option.

    ALSO - is there actually enough splash falling in order to create the foam when hitting the liquid?

    // Still, looking awesome as always
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Thanks mate Ok I have made some progress with this but I think I am stuck with the B2B concept (really messes with me). I am rendering a sequence at the moment but am at work at the moment so will get back to it tonight (tinkering doesn't pay the bills). I have foam on the surface and some patterns forming and such.. but now, there is a heap of foam stuck under the water and it is obviously stuck under there.

      I have B2B set to 0 currently, rising is 15 and falling is 150. I know this isn't right, but for water that is falling from a height into a pooled surface, what B2B settings would you recommend and then I will tweak from there. I am getting close and will post a link later tonight to the current iteration, but just a little helping hand in relation to B2B would be amazing.



      • #4
        Oh, B2B for sims larger than a beer glass or a coffee cup should be 0, or it might start forcing foam particles to start flying off. I really want to revisit B2B and hope to be able to drop this limitation. But until then, 0 should be the right value for a setup like yours.

        Gotta find out what forces are keeping the foam in chunks and try to weaken or counter these. One could be the liquid velocities pushing from all directions, or another one could be foam pattern forces pushing onto the foam. Or, if these are not ON, maybe enable them and they would help push the foam apart?

        One thing that also keeps recurring is the possible addition of a new condition to the particle tuner, where it checks for close particles, and also is able to kill such particles or push them apart. I gotta take some time and see if this would be a quick addition because it sounds useful for many scenarios already...
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          ok thanks for that, so at least I am on the right path. I'll post a link to the render later on and you will see what I mean and hopefully be able to throw a couple of suggestions at me. Anything I should do about rise and fall speed?


          • #6
            ok here is the new upload. As you can see, the foam I need is there... it is all just underwater?!?!?

            The attached image is what I am trying to achieve (the base of the water fall where the foam and patterns are).
            What should I do to get the foam on the surface? the rise / fall combination - the depth for the foam on hit?

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20210406-160621_Instagram.jpg
Views:	423
Size:	545.4 KB
ID:	1109809


            • #7

              Yes, try increasing the rising speed, note that if you take it too far the bubbles would start exploding on their way up like bubbles from a carbonated drink - The scale of the option is in units/sec. You can compare the value of this option to the height of the Simulator to get an idea of it's too high or too low.

              Georgi Zhekov
              Phoenix Product Manager


              • #8
                ok so this is looking better but the patterns are now spreading too far, have too much life in them. Should I wind the foam half life back to like 1 or something but not sure which tweaking of the patterns should I do.. increase the strength and reduce the radius.. dunno?


                • #9
                  Ah, if the radius is too low, but the strength is high, all patterns will start looking the same and it's going to look pretty forced and fake, so maybe try lowering the strength first
                  Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                  • #10
                    just kicked off yet another with .5 and 15cm and see how that goes.


                    • #11
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	foamPatterns.jpg
Views:	354
Size:	384.1 KB
ID:	1110002

                      This is getting to what I want but the patterns are still just hanging around waaaay too long.


                      • #12
                        ok.. time to wheel in the particle tuner.

                        Am I correct in my thinking that if I type Foam in the affects box then when I do a range and a delete it will start purging foam that are in the range.

                        IF SO, does this mean the ago of the foam from the start of the sim or when it is created "on hit"?


                        • #13
                          Thoughts on this version. Patterns still hanging around waaaay to long and it seems the particle tuner didn't delete the foam either.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by stelees View Post
                            Am I correct in my thinking that if I type Foam in the affects box then when I do a range and a delete it will start purging foam that are in the range.

                            IF SO, does this mean the ago of the foam from the start of the sim or when it is created "on hit"?
                            Yup, "foam" works in the Affect box, so then a condition and Delete will not affect any other particle system.

                            The Ages of particles are in seconds since each individual particle's birth, yes. This way an effect can happen in a different time depending on each particle's lifetime. Things that should happen since the simulation start can be just keyed on the timeline.
                            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                            • #15
                              What are your thoughts on this

                              I feel it is waaay better than the original waterfall base patterns and seeing there is a stepped down approach to this one it should push the foam along. Just going to try more of a drop waterfall to see.

                              yeh reddit this time to just avoid poluting vimeo

