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Particle Tuner to Change colour of liquid

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  • Particle Tuner to Change colour of liquid

    Hi there,

    I am trying to change the colour of liquid when it passes near an object. I am just not sure what to do with the RGB settings as you can only change Red or Green or Blue.

    I have a couple of materials joined with a Blend and the grid tex in the blend also with it's channel set to RGB. Just quite sure what to do with the action part of the tuner equation. I have the effect working in relation to the distance to and such and when I preview the RGB I can see where the particles are being effected, just not sure how to reflect that with a material.


  • #2

    Setting up the Condition of the Particle Tuner goes this way:

    In the Edit Condition window, click on Age, and switch the condition to Distance To.

    Press the None button and choose the object that you are using as a distance measurement.

    Press Is Greater Than and change it to Is Less Than.

    Set the Distance value.

    Then, choose one of the Color Channels and pick Set to.

    So, the condition is:

    At the begging of the simulation the fluid has a certain RGB color.

    If the fluid is at distance less than the one you set in the Tuner, the fluid will start to change it's RGB color to the one you've picked in the Tuner.

    In the Blend Material, with the help of the Grid Texture, the materials will mix, when it's needed. You can check the Blending Three Materials template scene to see how the Bend Material setup works -

    It's important to mention that the Tuner can change only one color, so if you need to change all three RGBs, you will need three Tuners - one per color.

    If you need to change all three colors together and don't need a specific control over the three RGBs, you can use a Mapper with a Distance texture instead.

    Hope this helps!
    Slavina Nikolova
    QA Specialist, V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Phoenix


    • #3
      Thanks I worked out something this afternoon thar is currently simming. The added twist I put on it was to return the particles back to the original colour

      Will post the results in the gallery when I render out the sequence.


      • #4
        Here is what I have so far.. so the colour changes when it hits the objects and then fades back to the red as it moves away. The cylinder lower is animated up into the flow so at about 90 frames it rises up and green appears. Click image for larger version

Name:	particleColourChange.jpg
Views:	163
Size:	102.0 KB
ID:	1111217


        • #5
          Here is the final render for this test. There is a second tuner which reverts the colour back at a longer distance to the contact point.. hence the fade in the blend.

