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Slow motion

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  • Slow motion


    I'm new to phoenix and using it to create ink in water type footage.

    What I've created looks great but I'd like to render a 'slow motion' version.

    So I'm currently at 25fps and would like to see how 100fps looks.

    What would be the best approach to do this?

    I'm aware that fps and speed of simulation are artificial constructs when working in CG but being a camera person this seems to be the best way to explain it.


  • #2
    Hey, it depends on whether you did the ink with smoke or with particles.

    If you did it with smoke, then it needs to be simulated with Velocity and Advection Origin in order to apply Grid Blend = Precise Tracing when changing the Play Speed in the Input rollout. If this is not smooth enough when slowed down, you will have to do a Time-Bend Reismulation.

    If you did the ink with Drag particles, then they have to be simulated with Drag IDs, Ages and Velocities enabled from the Source that emitted them, and then you can just change the Play Speed in the Input rollout without any need for resimulation and without worrying about the Grid Blend method.

    You can find more info about that here:, under the "Slowing Down a Simulation, Animating the Time-Scale, etc." section.

    Hope this helps!
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

