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Difference in fire between default and resim

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  • Difference in fire between default and resim

    Click image for larger version  Name:	difference in fire, df vs rs.jpg Views:	0 Size:	387.8 KB ID:	1112504
    I've run into this with other *cough* simulators, so not really a complaint. Just wondering if there's a magic multiplication # you could suggest so that when I'm RnD'ing shaders after a default sim, I could then multiply by that number to get close to the same results for a resim when it comes to the drop in fire 'power' < I'll call it this since it seems to affect multiple aspects of the fire (could be wrong on that).

    See the before/after between the fire's diffuse, opacity, and illumination strength on the surrounding smoke from the default (DF) sims on the right and then the resimulation (RS) on the left. (note that only the inner fireball is switched between DF and RS caches - the dust sim is set to RS on both before/after renders - this doesn't affect the issue).

    After a lot of trial and error (not shown in this screencap) seemed like 2x on the following brought it back to where it was but could never quite nail it again:
    Fire / Light Power
    Fire / Fire Multiplier
    Fire / Opacity Multiplier
    Last edited by ttdww; 29-04-2021, 03:23 PM.

  • #2
    Hey, so for the readers - here is a thread on the same thing in facebook:

    Ultimately, resimulation + amp resolution + cooling produced different cooling between the base sim and the resim. This should be fixed in the nightlies from 14 May

    Cheers all!
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

