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Volumetric Render Settings Fire - Channel area is narrow

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  • Volumetric Render Settings Fire - Channel area is narrow

    Hi there,
    I am having trouble with volumetric settings when trying to tweak some fire as the blueish green area for the channel is narrow and doesn't give me a lot of space to work with.

    I am tweak the physically based settings to impact the amount of fire that is shown but there isn't a lot of wiggle room to come up with a nice gradient and tweak the points in the graph (still figuring all that out).

    What impacts the width of the channel area to work with - can I remove that entirely somehow to allow me a wider range to work with?

    In the example on this page, the based on is set to a channel (Temperature) but there is no channel range in the graph that needs to be worked with. (meaning you have the whole range to work with under the gradient)

    Last edited by stelees; 04-07-2021, 08:39 PM.

  • #2

    Soo the range highlighted with the green is the available data in the specified channel. The different grid channels have different ranges. You can find more on this here -

    In the attached screenshot from the docs - it was made without a cache loaded so that's why the channel range is missing. Soo busted. We will update this one so that it won't be misleading.

    In most fire scenes the range goes from 300 to 2000 kelvins or more in some cases. You can use the the scroll button on the mouse to zoom in and out and make specific adjustments.

    This video should help with the fire shading -

    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      ah ok thanks that makes sense. I was looking around for a reset channel check box or option or button or something Thanks for the reply and the link.


