Hi, I'm trying to work on the Particle Shading Tutorial (https://docs.chaos.com/display/PHX4M...rticle+Shading) for Maya for Phoenix and have downloaded the project files and rendered it, but it's not rendering like the finished version that's shown. I understand it's a very old version of Phoenix, that said, what is the project file missing? Also, can you guys please update the tutorials to be compatible with the newest version of Vray/Phoenix?
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Particle Shading Tutorial For Maya
Yes please update tutorials
Same here, tried to do the lava tutorial but I kept getting security warnings:
// C:/Users/xxxx/Desktop/PhoenixFD_Lava_Particle_Tuner_start.ma //
// Error: line 1: Cannot find procedure "CgAbBlastPanelOptChangeCallback". //
Theres a lot to learn and I need to learn it quick!
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Thank you all for the feedback! We do our best to update the tutorials, but if you notice anything that seems off, we always appreciate your help letting us know about any issues so we can fix them
Regarding the Particle Shading tutorial and based on the image you sent, I just want to check first, were you able to import the provided Alembic file called “AnimatedTorus.ABC”? The alembic file for the animated torus is important for achieving the desired behavior for the simulation. There are some steps explained in the Scene Setup section of the tutorial about this, but please let me know if you have any questions about it.
Otherwise, if you have done that and are still not seeing the desired result, could you provide me with some more specific details about the steps you did and what you’re seeing that looks incorrect to you, either about the sim behavior or the render, or both? This will help me to dig into the right areas faster for you, and see where any issues might be occurring.
I hope that’s at least some helpful info about the Particle Shading tut for now, and otherwise please keep me posted and I will be glad to look into this further to get to the bottom of it for you.
Regarding the Lava scene, thank you as well for the heads up about this! I will take a look at the Lava scene regarding the error and get back to you as soon as I have any more information.
Hi Cory, thanks for the input. I think the issue is occurring while importing the alembic cache. When I use simple import, I get a Torus002 created and if I click on the extended menu and select "Import under current selection" the Torus geo doesn't show up. Can you please try it out on your end and tell me what options need to be selected to import the alembic cache correctly? I think the tutorial just needs to be updated with newer instructions.
Yes please update tutorials
Same here, tried to do the lava tutorial but I kept getting security warnings
I have looked through the Lava files and I have resolved the error that was showing up when you opened them. It was a Maya error due to the file being saved originally in an older version of Maya.
You can now download the updated files using the same download link as before, on the tutorial page here:
I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further trouble with the files.
Hi Cory, thanks for the input. I think the issue is occurring while importing the alembic cache. When I use simple import, I get a Torus002 created and if I click on the extended menu and select "Import under current selection" the Torus geo doesn't show up. Can you please try it out on your end and tell me what options need to be selected to import the alembic cache correctly? I think the tutorial just needs to be updated with newer instructions.
I am going to look over the tutorial file in detail myself to check that I can get the import step to work correctly, and I will get back to you to clarify about the specifics for that part. I’ll do my best to make this part of the tutorial more clear for you and others, and also test to see that the sim is giving the correct looking results on my endI’ll respond here as soon as I have an update for you!
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Hello again Kunal,
I just wanted to give you an update. I have been testing out the Particle Shading tutorial scene file, and I did find that the behavior of the simulation has changed!
I am still investigating at the moment, but I will be sure to follow up with you here as soon as I have more to share. I will also make sure to provide instructions on how to sim the scene successfully once I have an update as well.
Thanks again for giving us a heads up about this, and I appreciate your understanding while I work on it in the meantime
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Just wanted to let you know that we found an issue with the simulation behavior in the Particle Shading scene.
The Body Force's Internal damping and Damp Min Velocity behavior changed through the versions, but it should be back to normal now. It is fixed in the latest nightly build so you can download it and give it a go.
Here is how to get a nightly - https://forums.chaos.com/forum/phoen...nightly-builds
We also uploaded an updated version of the scene for Phoenix 4 and V-Ray 5. You can get the scene file from here - https://drive.google.com/uc?export=d...1I14MgmrHXjmtK
Thanks a lot for the help!
Georgi Zhekov
Phoenix Product Manager
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