i've been playing around with an emitter of a box that's 8ft x 3" x 3" and having the water flow down onto a marble floor/steps. i have a cosmos person standing next to it. i am noticing that i really need to increase grid resolution for the water on the floor to look "in scale" with the person standing next to it. so for exmaple right now i'm down to cell size of 0.096".
i'm wondering if i could create a lower resolution falling water, then when it hits the surface of the marble steps, switch to a high resolution grid?
or is there generally any tips on something like this. i've attached image for what i'm doing. i think this is a grid res of 0.25" (inch)
i'm wondering if i could create a lower resolution falling water, then when it hits the surface of the marble steps, switch to a high resolution grid?
or is there generally any tips on something like this. i've attached image for what i'm doing. i think this is a grid res of 0.25" (inch)