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  • Ocean/Ship/Foam

    Thought I'd start a new thread to tackle this issue.

    I'm starting to get good results of rough waves. However, I get foam all over the place. What do you think I need to do to confine the foam to just the wake of the ship (the area between the red lines)?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	392
Size:	1.15 MB
ID:	1167162

    Here are my settings:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	283
Size:	32.3 KB
ID:	1167163

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	273
Size:	46.0 KB
ID:	1167164

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	283
Size:	47.6 KB
ID:	1167165

    I've also increased the velocity multiplier of the ship to give it the effect of a faster moving vessel:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	281
Size:	45.8 KB
ID:	1167166


  • #2

    Thanks for the photos! From what I can see, the Splash Birth Threshold seems a bit too low and you may want to increase it. The Threshold controls where Splash particles are generated. If the Birth Threshold is low enough, even relatively flat areas of the liquid surface will produce Splashes. In your case, the Foam particles are generated from the Splash particles using the Foam on Hit parameter, this means the more Splash particles you have, the more Foam particles will spawn.
    Also, you will probably need to increase the Grid Resolution.
    You could check out our Ship in the Ocean Tutorial -

    Hope this helps!
    Slavina Nikolova
    QA Specialist, V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Phoenix


    • #3
      Hey Slavina,

      I'm actually using the boat demo as a base,

      I forgot to mention what I am also looking for. Lots of foam around the ship but none anywhere else (similar to the screenshot below):

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	290
Size:	739.0 KB
ID:	1167331

      I know speed plays a factor in the amount of foam. ​Which is why I increased the motion velocity effect to 2.

      I played around with the threshold and foam on hit and no luck.

      Any ideas on how to achieve more foam like the screenshot?


      • #4
        In this case, try increasing the Foam Amount as well - right now the foam is born only from splash, but you could also have it born directly from the liquid, check this:

        Also, you could additionally make the foam thicker at render time, using the Count Multiplier of the Particle Shader. You can combine this with the simulation solution
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          Increased the foam amount seems to be getting me there, however the foam dies out in the yellow area. (see below)

          What do I need to do the lengthen it? I tried playing around with the half life but no luck.

          Also, how can I expand the width of the foam to where the red line is? (see below)

          Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	261
Size:	1.27 MB
ID:	1167387

          Not trying to be daft but I'm having a hard time making sense of that FLIP chart.


          • #6
            Oh, the half life should be the way to do it. Try setting it to very high values, like 1000 for example.
            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


            • #7
              Getting there but it's splotchy in the area inside the yellow circle:

              Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	254
Size:	804.5 KB
ID:	1167551

              Rendering settings:
              Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	52.1 KB ID:	1167548

              Foam settings:
              Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	47.3 KB ID:	1167549

              Foam Shader:

              Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	73.6 KB ID:	1167550​​​​​
              Attached Files
              Last edited by hunter_williams; 09-12-2022, 01:29 PM.


              • #8
                Could you check the Simulation rollout and tell me how much foam particles you have? If they are under a million, you need to bump up the Foam Amount proportionally. For such dense foam like in your reference image, even 10 million might be needed.

                Also, are your Maya units meters? If they are cm, then the Foam Pattern Radius of 0.4 means 0.4 cm and this is super low - this could be why your foam is not forming any visible patters - they might be too small to see.

                Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                • #9
                  I got it working finally. Just played around with the motion velocity, foam amount and half life.


