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Initial Fill help

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  • Initial Fill help

    Hello All,

    I would be so grateful of the help. Its been a a few years since I used phoenix for water simulation so its like starting again.

    Its probably a bit of stupid question, I am using 3DS Max 2023 and the latest Phoenix.

    I am trying to fill a simple pool with water, using initial fill. I have watched so many tutorials and followed them exactly for some reason phoenix is not detecting the mesh inside the container.

    Images attached. So I have created a simple mesh representing the pool, I created a phoenix liquid surrounding the mesh. Container Walls - Jammed both - x,y & z

    Initial fill at 50% and fill up for ocean checked.

    I run the simulator and it does not detect the mesh and just fills the whole volume.

    Any ideas what I am doing stupidly wrong?

    Many Thanks


    Click image for larger version

Name:	phoenix fill.jpg
Views:	328
Size:	539.1 KB
ID:	1167268

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hey Will,

    Using the Initial Fill Up will fill the whole simulator box with liquid, including the empty space around your pool geometry.

    Depending on the type of shot you're after, there are a few different approaches for pools. These allow you to have splashing beach balls, fountains on the side that go in the pool.

    If the water won't interact with any objects (there won't be any splashes, additional water features etc.) and you just need a water surface with some tiny waves and ripples. For this one you can use the Pure ocean mode, which doesn't require any simulation. You can check how this works in our example scene here -

    If you do need water interaction, you can use two approaches:

    - make the simulator with the size of the inside part of the pool and then use the Initial Fill up
    - use the same setup you have in your scene with a large simulator box, then disable the Initial Fill up option in the Dynamics rollout. Then create another box that fills just the inside of the pool, right-click on it > Chaos Phoenix menu and enable Initial Liquid fill. This will fill only the box with liquid.

    Hope this helps!
    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      Thank you for your very quick reply and clarifying.

      I was watching this tutorial think this confused me, as watching it again I think the bottom of the pool is emitting water and filling the pool up.

      Below is what I am working on which I have done without phoenix, but want to use phoenix to do it properly.

      Not sure how to create circular volume of water then have to emitters one from the slide and the water jet.

      Will have a play around with it.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	328
Size:	954.5 KB
ID:	1167284


      • #4
        Ah for the circular body of water you can use the method where you make a circular geometry and you enable the Initial Liquid fill option from its Phoenix properties. This will fill the object's volume with liquid so you can use every type of shape.

        For the water slide you can make a second simulator and use a cascade setup, where the liquid from one simulator can flow into another one. You can check how this works here -

        As for the water jet, just create a Liquid Source and then pick an object to emit the liquid from and this should be it.
        Georgi Zhekov
        Phoenix Product Manager


        • #5
          Thanks for the tips! got it working!

