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Liquid pouring sim

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  • Liquid pouring sim

    I need to do a liquid pouring sim. Similar to the wine bottle in the example scenes. :

    But do I still need to do a cascade sim? I thought Ive seen a check box in new versions that allows objects to move inside the grid? Or am I just imagining this or it was for a different use. Because I cant seem to find it anymore.

  • #2
    Oh, the Wine scene is made with a cascade setup just to showcase the cascade setup. Otherwise it's perfectly fine to do the setup with one single simulator.

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Even with an animated moving bottle? That is giving me some issues and once the animation stops it begins to behave as I imagine it to.


      • #4
        Tell me more about the issues you're getting. In case the geometry in the simulator moves quickly, then more steps per frame are needed so the fluid can keep up with the movement, could this be the issue?
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          Here is a GIF where you can see it holds shape of the box, but then once the animation stops you can see it starts to behave normal as I would imagine. Im using 8 steps per frame.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	PourIssues.gif
Views:	116
Size:	363.9 KB
ID:	1171087


          • #6
            Oh, interesting why it takes so many frames and it still does not follow the container shape. This definitely does not look like the situation I described, so steps per frame might not be at play here.

            Could you check if the scale of the simulation is not too high? How many meters tall is the simulator in the Grid rollout? (next to the X/Y/Z numbers of voxels for each axis, it also show the length in units of each axis, so one would be able to check the dimensions that the fluid solver sees. You could try lowering the Scene Scale option to trick the solver into thinking it's actually smaller scale than it really is in the scene, so the liquid would fall down faster).

            Also, is there any viscosity or surface tension enabled in the simulation?

            If there are any issues with the container geometry, it might also cause such issues, though it looks fine in the gif. Please run an STL check on it just in case - if it does not show any errors, then Phoenix would love it
            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


            • #7
              So I STL checked all the geo, it all passed. And there is no viscosity or surface tension either.

              The sim isn't to large. Its about a 15 meter by 18 meter box, In actual size. With the x/y/z low even to like .1 meter playing with the Scene Scale and it just made things worst.
              I attached a file in case I'm just missing something?

              Thank you.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Alright, we caught it!

                The slow rotation of the geometry falls under a threshold where the solver thinks it's not moving at all. This is aided by the high number of steps per frame as well.

                I will make changes to the code and the fix will be in tomorrow's Phoenix nightlies here:

                Thank you so much for reporting this!
                Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                • #9
                  Wow I broke it!!
                  Thank you so much and glad it was solvable. I appreciate all the support.


                  • #10
                    Ah, sorry for the trouble! The nightly builds with the fix will be out about 4 hours from now...
                    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

