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Ocean filled simulation seems to multiply noise on the surface

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  • Ocean filled simulation seems to multiply noise on the surface

    Hi, I'm looking for some assistance in solving a weird instance with ocean mesh creating excessive noise artifacts instead of dissipating movement over distance. For example the shark swimming in the ocean template looks fine at the early stages, but then as the frames progress, the noise and artifacts become stronger. I'll post some pictures below.
    The original workflow was that I made my own liquid simulation box, changed some parameters, added a shark with some extra velocity in the phoenix properties for the object and then simulated. It produced noisy artifacts.
    Then I used the ocean template in place of my own settings and got the same artifacts that build up over time.
    I then removed the shark completely and still the artifacts would grow over time.
    I would think the turbulence would dissipate over time instead of growing. It acts like an add/multiply is happening and I need to throw a "slow operator" on it somehow.
    These results were with and without displacement. Without displacement you can really see the issue. I also added mesh smoothing of 25 to see if that would help.
    I am using max 2022, phoenix 5.1 build 20230420.

    Any ideas?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hey, could you try two things - would Phoenix 5.20 work better for this setup? Also, since the shark is swimming in the container and pushing the particles, maybe this is why it creates these waves at the borders. Perhaps making the sim wider would help reduce them? Also, depending on the result you want, you might be able to speed up the simulation if you make the liquid shallower by reducing the grid vertical size or by lowering the Initial Fillup Level in the Dynamics rollouts.

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Originally posted by Swihartc View Post
      Hi, I'm looking for some assistance in solving a weird instance with ocean mesh creating excessive noise artifacts instead of dissipating movement over distance. For example the shark swimming in the ocean template looks fine at the early stages, but then as the frames progress, the noise and artifacts become stronger. I'll post some pictures below.
      The original workflow was that I made my own liquid simulation box, changed some parameters, added a shark with some extra velocity in the phoenix properties for the object and then simulated. It produced noisy artifacts.
      Then I used the ocean template in place of my own settings and got the same artifacts that build up over time.
      I then removed the shark completely and still the artifacts would grow over time.
      I would think the turbulence would dissipate over time instead of growing. It acts like an add/multiply is happening and I need to throw a "slow operator" on it somehow.
      These results were with and without displacement. Without displacement you can really see the issue. I also added mesh smoothing of 25 to see if that would help.
      I am using max 2022, phoenix 5.1 build 20230420.

      Any ideas?
      Hi Swihartc
      Did you ever found a solution to this?
      It's driving me mad right now and it's the exact same issue i'm getting suddenly.
      Not able anymore to just create a container, initially fill 50% and let it settle.
      It starts to boil up over time and gets worse and worse

