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Best way to blend a sim with existing water?

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  • Best way to blend a sim with existing water?

    If trying to sim the edge of some water cascading over a wall, what is the best way to blend the source of the water, with splashes and foam etc you can just conver to mesh and cut bits off easily.

    Example here is a pool with water flowing over the edge into another pool below. it looks bit crazy at moment but you can clearly see the water line where the sim starts. how would you approach to calm that area? or even snip it off for rendering after the sim is complete?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	150
Size:	1.14 MB
ID:	1192667

  • #2
    Adding a render mask to just render the cascade of water removes any foam or splash particles. ticking on render as geometry allows it to render in the mask, though it does look a bit different to when that option is not ticked. the foam and splashes dont appear in the atmosphere pass when render mask by layer is on.

    i thought this would make it easier to just comp in and mask out the seams.


    • #3

      This sounds very much like a task for the cascading simulator option.
      I'm preparing a scene right now to see if it will give the results you're after.

      I'll try finish it until the end of the day and share it with you.
      I hope it will help you.



      • #4
        Originally posted by zdravko_pavlov1 View Post

        This sounds very much like a task for the cascading simulator option.
        I'm preparing a scene right now to see if it will give the results you're after.

        I'll try finish it until the end of the day and share it with you.
        I hope it will help you.

        ah this looks like a pretty good solution, thank you.

        my current solution, I ended up emitting it inside the wall just at the edge and blending it in post.

