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Lava Flow mapping

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  • Lava Flow mapping

    Hi everyone!

    Im trying to make a lava flowing that then falls over an edge, i tried the lava example scene but its not achieving the detail I need, so Im trying to get UV mapping to the surface so I can add detail in the shader. You can see the settings I'm using, and in the liquid Im using "inherit UV's from Source". But the UV's are getting very swirled around and stretched. Which I get is kind of natural in a water sim, but Im trying to get something a little more uniformed so I can texture it. Any tips or ideas to get a nice UV's flowing liquid?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	130
Size:	298.4 KB
ID:	1194285

    The goal is to achieve mapping for something like this
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	118
Size:	904.3 KB
ID:	1194286​​

  • #2

    We have a Lava Flow tutorial - We use two emitters with different viscosity, and we also use a Particle Tuner to simulate the solidification process of the lava.
    The tutorial has all the steps to create a Lava Flow, and provides a start and final scene that might be useful in your case.

    Hope this helps!
    Slavina Nikolova
    QA Specialist, V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Phoenix

