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Water fountain

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  • Water fountain

    Hi, I've been asked to add a fountain like this example to a scene i'm working on.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	oase-vulkan30-lake-fountain-nozzle-display.jpg
Views:	179
Size:	214.8 KB
ID:	1204097

    This I've been testing this over the weekend which i'm fairly happy with the start of the jets with a bit of motion blur added. what i'm wondering is how do I make the jets of water fracture earlier into smaller droplets of water at the top of the fountain like the example image, rather than where the fracturing is happening in my test near the end of the jet of water.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	fountain test.jpg
Views:	162
Size:	287.3 KB
ID:	1204098


    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-03-11 091850.jpg
Views:	144
Size:	696.8 KB
ID:	1204099


  • #2
    Hey Justin,

    In your case I would suggest to use the Splashes as a way to control where the break into smaller particles happens.

    As the liquid travels and creates a sharp edge it will convert to splash particles which can be used to simulate the tiny liquid drops in your ref image.

    Using the Splash birth threshold you can dial in when the splashes will be born. Then for the rendering you can use a Particle Shader that renders the splashes.

    I have prepped a quick example of how this might work. The scene is saved as Max 2021 file, let me know if you need it downsaved to an older version.

    I hope this helps!

    Attached Files
    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      Hi Georgi, thank you for looking at this and the example file, it looks just like what I’m after. I’m back on this tomorrow so will look over the file then.

      cheers for your time,

