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Creating spray troubles

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  • Creating spray troubles

    Im trying to create a spray coming from a very small nozzle, like in the video link provided. I have a sphere, cut in half with a polygon id to make sure it only shoots out the bottom. The Sphere is .328" in diameter. I have tried taking my scene scale from 1 to 500,The only way I can get it to even emit particles is to take the grid down to .024" which then gives me more of an explosion of particles rather than a spray. I tried taking my steps to around 10 but really no visible difference. Not to mention I have to create about 20 of these, but I just need to focus on getting the first one to look right, then onto the next headache.
    Im also including the scene file incase it helps. I could really use some guidance on this.
    Thanks so much for taking the time.

  • #2

    I'm looking at your scene and I noticed a few things. All geometry objects that interact with Phoenix need to be solid objects with no opened edges. Despite if they are emitters or colliders.

    You need to close the top of your emitter. You mentioned that you are using ID 2 for emission, so cap the top with ID 1 for example.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	129
Size:	23.3 KB
ID:	1205341

    You are right that the emitter shouldn't be smaller than a single voxel. You ​Have the sphere occupying a few voxels, but you can increase the resolution even more.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	124
Size:	19.2 KB
ID:	1205342

    The splash and mist particles can live outside the grid so you don't need it to be that big.

    Hope that helps.


    • #3
      Thanks so much for helping me with that.


      • #4
        Hey, Brandon. Just keep in mind that when particles are outside the grid, they won't collide with anything. Once they leave the grid they become "dumb" particles and just fly outwards. They can be rendered and used as emitters etc.

        By the way, I would approach such a task a bit differently.
        I would create a small liquid simulator and a liquid source that emits only splash particles. I had the Liquid emission unchecked and Splash To Mist set to 0. I also had the export for the liquid and mist channels disabled, since they were going to be empty anyway.

        Either change the output path to be different from $(scene_path), or leave it as it is, and after the sim is finished pick the cache sequence in the input. Choose one of the two options whatever feels more convenient.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	113
Size:	211.7 KB
ID:	1205366

        The goal is to make the output or input not dependent on the name of the simulator. That way you'll be able to clone it and make all of the copies read the same cache sequence.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	117
Size:	89.3 KB
ID:	1205367
        Each copy will create its own container for the splash particles. Add all of it into a Fire/Smoke source. And make a large Fire/Smoke grid around all of the copies.
        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	119
Size:	281.5 KB
ID:	1205368

        Here's an example of what ​the source settings might look like.
        Brush effect 100%.
        articles with a size of a single voxel.
        Temperature disabled.
        Motion velocity left to the default 1.
        ​​Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	120
Size:	39.7 KB
ID:	1205369

        The Fire/Smoke grid that I used for the render above is just 5M voxels and bounds all 5 copies of the liquid grid.

        And I have to say something really important. I only made this because I wanted to make a point that it can be achieved easily.

        But using a particle system such as TyFlow for creating the splashes, would streamline the entire thing and you can skip the liquid simulation altogether.
        TyFlow can be used as emitters. And they can be selected in the Phoenix Particle Shader.


        Attached Files


        • #5
          Here's a render of what I was describing above.
          Couldn't attach it in the previous post because there's a limit for the amount of attachments.)

          Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	108
Size:	589.9 KB
ID:	1205372


          • #6

            I cant thank you enough for taking the time to help explain this to me.


            • #7
              Originally posted by brandon_hall1 View Post

              I cant thank you enough for taking the time to help explain this to me.
              You are welcome.

              Also this morning I learned that you don't need to change the input or the output before copying the simulator grid. It turned out that Phoenix is smart enough and will change it for you.



              • #8
                Originally posted by zdravko_pavlov1 View Post

                You are welcome.

                Also this morning I learned that you don't need to change the input or the output before copying the simulator grid. It turned out that Phoenix is smart enough and will change it for you.

                Excellent! Trying to figure out how I was going to come up with PC power for all the voxels was stressing me out. LOL

