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Merging Multiple Ocean Meshes

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  • Merging Multiple Ocean Meshes

    Phoenix seems to do a decent job of automatically merging ocean meshes from multiple liquid simulators (though I often get issues if the simulators overlap). But, what controls which Ocean mesh because the primary one used for the Ocean Mesh settings? I have had it change, and I am wondering if there is a way to pin it to a particular simulator so we can turn off those warning, and still no which simulator it is.


  • #2

    You specify the priority by using the following maxscript option of the Simulator.

    oceanpriority – Script parameter with a default value of 0. This parameter can be used for controlling which is the primary ocean container when several ones are merged together. The Simulator with the highest priority will provide the material and the rendering settings (the Ocean Level, the Ocean Subdivs, etc.) for the merged ocean. The actual combined mesh is not affected by the ocean priority.​


    Select a Simulator that you want to have more priority and in the MaxScript Listener type: $.oceanpriority = 3

    The Simulator with the highest priority in the scene will be the one whose material and ocean settings will be used by the combined ocean mesh.

    When merging multiple simulators in one ocean mesh they shouldn't overlap at all, otherwise you will get artifacts.
    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      Awesome. Thanks, georgi.zhekov

