I'm trying to get a streaming comet tail. I've got as far as the attached image.
I've disabled Vorticity and Gravity but there is still some kind of turbulence. Where does this come from?
Does anybody have any ideas how I can get a more stream-like effect and avoid that turbulence?
I'm going to try emitting from a noise texture to separate streams. Anything else I can try?
The tail has to emerge and lengthen slowly, so I can't really add a force to stretch it out.
Unless I also muck about with the time scale?
Any ideas welcome.
I've disabled Vorticity and Gravity but there is still some kind of turbulence. Where does this come from?
Does anybody have any ideas how I can get a more stream-like effect and avoid that turbulence?
I'm going to try emitting from a noise texture to separate streams. Anything else I can try?
The tail has to emerge and lengthen slowly, so I can't really add a force to stretch it out.
Unless I also muck about with the time scale?
Any ideas welcome.