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Exclude/include list?

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  • Exclude/include list?

    Hi all,

    I want to ask if someone can explain to me how do use the exclude list as an include list instead.

    I'm working in dense animation-scenes and want to sim using only low-res proxy-geometry. But sometimes I still want to see the real geometry, so I figured instead of excluding the highpoly geometry (which is a huge hierarchy of stuff and painstaking to select and link to the sim-set) I could add only the object I want to collide with, and then turn off exclude list, to have only the linked objects interact with the fluid, but when I do that I get no fluid at all in my grid. I also tried linking the src but to no avail.

    What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

  • #2
    you have to add the source as well
    VRScans developer

