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Vapor - how to?

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  • Vapor - how to?

    Hello, my company recently purchased Phoenix FD and we're getting involved with it. Fire and water seem pretty easy to control and use, however we are having trouble with smoke and vapor.

    I found a thread not too long ago talking about the top of a coffee cup and the steam associated with it, but it seems to be gone now. Can anyone post some tips on how to get some steam coming off of a surface?

    I dont need the steam to condense, I just wanted to get a vapory steam coming off of a surface. There was a note in the help saying that you needed to use the temperature channel and it needs to be between 0 and 1 for this to work, but that produces nothing when I sim. I probably misunderstood the help.

    Thanks for any help you can offer!
    Last edited by SUPERGENIUS; 08-04-2013, 11:07 AM.

  • #2
    Is vapor just really hard to do? =D


    • #3
      unfortunately we have no smoke dissipation, so there are two ways you can use
      1. use the temperature based opacity with simple linear diagram, the cooling will give you the needed dissipation. you can use temperature 1000 for the source, and set the linear diagram to be zero at 300 and let say 0.5 at 1000. you can control the steam density changing the opacity value at temperature 1000.
      2. use smoke based opacity with diagram that zeroes the opacity at certain smoke concentration. this will lead to visual disappearing of the smoke when its concentration drops below this value.

      and here is the scene, again.
      Attached Files
      VRScans developer


      • #4
        I can't thank you enough for your help here! Chaosgroup has been wonderful all these years for support, and I thank you for your time.

