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Splash dynamics

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  • Splash dynamics

    I have a test setup which is working nicely but the splashes seem a little bit 'slow'

    I was wondering how best to control their speed. ie the rate at which a splash returns to the surface of the ocean for example. Is by the velocity multiplier in Liquids or something like the time scale?
    Last edited by nistaani; 07-10-2013, 03:58 PM.

  • #2
    the splash velocity is controlled by the velocity multiplier, this determines the starting velocity, and air friction for the free fly. the friction is affected by two parameters - the size, and the friction multiplier.
    by default phoenix calculates the natural air friction corresponding to the selected size, but the friction multiplier allows to change it.
    another global parameter that affects the splash dynamics is the gravity, it depends on the scene scale and the gravity multiplier. these parameters affect not only the splash, but the liquid as well.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Thanks Ivaylo, just getting back to working on this. Thanks for the response.

