Hey all,
This may be a stupid question, but I cannot figure out how to stop a simulation so I can do other things, and then come back later and start up the simulation again. In Maya Fluids, it's quite easy, you just "append cache" to your previous one to continue simulating. But in Phoenix, if I stop a simulation, I can't figure out a way to start the simulation again where I left off, I have to start all over! I've tried changing the Start Frame in the simulation tab, but it never seems to work :S Thoughts?
This may be a stupid question, but I cannot figure out how to stop a simulation so I can do other things, and then come back later and start up the simulation again. In Maya Fluids, it's quite easy, you just "append cache" to your previous one to continue simulating. But in Phoenix, if I stop a simulation, I can't figure out a way to start the simulation again where I left off, I have to start all over! I've tried changing the Start Frame in the simulation tab, but it never seems to work :S Thoughts?