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Avoid long triangular artifacts in liquids?

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  • Avoid long triangular artifacts in liquids?

    Any tips for avoiding the occasional long, triangular looking artifacts in liquids? They appear as long, thin polygonal type shapes. Some of them only seem to show up with motion blur.

    I am trying to resim using Smooth and a higher steps per frame.


  • #2
    can you post an image?
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Here is an animation. This is just playing around, and has a lot of things I would tweak aesthetically. But you can see the weird triangle that hangs off the pink teapot for a few frames 2/3 the way through. Then there is another odd vertical artifact that goes straight up off the green teapot near the end.


      • #4
        i think this is not long triangle, this is trail of splash particles born by a very fast part of the liquid. usually such kind of jets are born by geometry that has small holes. this is not a bug, it happens in the natural water too, but here is easier to happen and stronger expressed. you can try to increase the spf, this may help, but better beware of the geometry and close all the small holes.
        VRScans developer


        • #5
          I would also increase SPF like Ivo saids. Those spikes in the wide surface indicates that the SPF is too small to have a decent flow and surface.


          • #6
            An increase in SPF helped (I also switched to smooth conservation). The spikes are there no more.

            With regard to the jets theory, this would be because the standard Max teapot is not a closed object, and has holes around the lid? I would make sure any real geometry was closed (obviously this is a test).

            Thanks for the help.


            • #7
              yes, mu suspicions were toward the teapot mesh nature. it's good to use closed meshes, but the jets can occur even with closed mesh who has small "legal" holes, like this photo
              Click image for larger version

Name:	216705164_3a0dd5bff5.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	132.7 KB
ID:	852037
              VRScans developer

