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mixing 2 fluids with 2 different meshes???

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  • mixing 2 fluids with 2 different meshes???

    hi there,

    i have a question, how can i mix 2 different fluids in phoenix fd 2.2 in the same grid of voxels? i don't want that there is only one mesh, i want the meshes of the fluids to be separate. like mixing milk and honey and the meshes dont mix

    i hope somebody can help, i need to work on a commercial project

    kind regards the maxxer's brother
    Pixelschmiede GmbH

  • #2
    the mesh can't be separate, only one mesh is possible, but you can use particles exported by the one source to create blend material. i think we already had this question and even made a scene
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      ok, sad situation here, ehm then i have to export the particles with the right click menu and export particles in the krakatoa format? if there is a scene, can you please send me the link for it?
      thanks in advance.
      Pixelschmiede GmbH


      • #4
        i saw now the result, it is pretty discouraging...
        the problem is that if you use blend material the milk-water transition looks bad. the blend material is not for such transitions.
        VRScans developer


        • #5

          unfortunately as Ivaylo said, you can't have two separate meshes.
          You can create something similar, but the result is not the best.
          I've attached a scene file and here is the description on how to use it:

          For this effect two Simulators are used. One for the Liquid simulation (PhoenixFDSimulation) and another for the Rendering (PhoenixFDRender).

          In the first simulator (PhoenixFDSimulation) the Initial fillup option in the Liquids rollouts is used to fill the container (30% of its height).
          In the Output rollout except the Liquid/Temperature channel that is exported by default, the RGB channel is enabled for export as well.
          Also a Cylinder (EmitterMilk) is created to pour milk into the main liquid.
          This Cylinder is added to the PHXLiquid Source (Source Milk), where the RGB channel is enabled and set to emit white color.
          Particles of type Drag are also enabled.

          When the first simulator (PHoenixFDSimulation) is simulated, the second simulator (PhoenixFDRender) is created.
          In the Input rollout after the $(simoutput), the name of the first simulator is added, so that now the second simulator reads the
          cache files from the first one. It should look like this "$(simoutput)phoenixfdsimulation", without the quotes.

          To make the milk mix the liquid, a standard Blend material is used.
          In Material 1 input, a simple Water material is plugged, and in Material 2 input, a VRayFastSSS2 material with Milk preset is plugged.
          To Blend between these two materials, PhoenixFDTexmap is used. In the map for the Source node, the first simulator (PhoenixFDSimulation) is picked, and the blending is done based on the RGB channel.
          The Blending can be tweaked using the Mixing curve in the Blend material.

          Additionaly the Phoenix Drag particles can be rendered.
          To render them, a PHXFoam object is created and the "Particle system" button is pressed and the particle group from the second simulator (PhoenixFDRender) is picked.
          The mode is set to Point and the Scattering to Analytic+shadows.

          Tsvetan Milanov


          • #6
            here is the result using simple rgb channel and smoke
            actually what kind of interface between the liquids you want, blurry or sharp?
            Attached Files
            VRScans developer


            • #7
              thanks for your help and ideas guys
              Pixelschmiede GmbH

