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Cloud Tank Effect... how?

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  • Cloud Tank Effect... how?

    With the general lack of Phoenix tutorials, I could need some pointers on creating classic cloud tank effects with Phoenix.

    Stuff like this:

    All my smoke sims disperse too soon or speed up too much, instead of holding together in a "solid" way, like in the video, slowing down during the flow. Are there any tutorials or samples covering an effect like this?

    This one came close:

    But I never found any info on how it was achieved.
    Last edited by Laserschwert; 06-08-2014, 12:32 PM.

  • #2
    there are two ways to control the speed, that give slightly different result. the first one is to produce still cold smoke, the second one is to produce directed downward smoke without temperature.
    the video that you find close to the result is using the cold smoke method, here you can see a video made with the second method. for the cold smoke method you have to tweak the temperature to achieve the desired speed, for the second method you have to control the discharge of the source. the second video uses particle based smoke in order to keep the borders sharp.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Thanks for the tips... I'll give both methods a shot

