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Colouring Phoenix with vertex colours

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  • Colouring Phoenix with vertex colours


    I've looked around but not found a workflow yet.

    Is it possible to drive the colour of smoke and liquid from the vertex colours of a source object in Phoenix?



  • #2
    there is a texture called "vertex color" put it in the map slot of the rgb channel of the source
    VRScans developer


    • #3

      yeah, I'd tried using that but it just comes out as black smoke (or nothing if you put a vertex colour map in the density slot as well)

      I've tried just a vertex colour map in the material on the source object, and vertex colour map in the texture slot of colors/transparency as well, but neither seem to change the colour of the emitted smoke.

      Also have RGB selected on the output channels - I've attached a screen grab of my settings, I guess I'm just missing one important checkbox...


      Attached Files


      • #4
        Ah gotcha, I was putting it in the mesh rather than the source.

        Will give that a go.



        • #5
          Hmm - still no luck so far,

          I've got the vertex color map in the source RGB slot, and RGB selected as an output channel in the simulation grid.

          I've tried all sorts in the Colour/Transparency slot, (RGB, Texture, with and without the vertex color map in that as well) but just get black tinted smoke



          • #6
            i have newer tried this texture, it may be a some specific requirement of the vertex color texture that we do not support, tomorrow will check that.
            VRScans developer


            • #7
              OK, thanks!


              • #8
                Ivaylo, have you ever found out the status with the vertex coloring? We were looking to dissolve some geometry into smoke and vertex colors would do the job. If not possible now, would this be something that could be added to the wish list?

                Edit: Figured it out. The vertex color needs to be on a channel other than 0. Put a vertex paint modifier on the object, change its map to 1, 2, etc, then paint or bake it. Apply vertex color map to the color slot in source, and it works. Renders pretty slow compared to regular smoke though.
                Last edited by Badbullet; 10-04-2015, 09:30 AM.


                • #9
                  thanks for the info, honestly this problem was still not investigated because more important tasks were on the table.
                  about the rendering, this is not normal, it should be exactly the same speed as the default smoke.
                  Last edited by Ivaylo Katev; 10-04-2015, 09:47 PM.
                  VRScans developer

