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Liquid evaporate?

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  • Liquid evaporate?

    Hi there.
    First, Great piece of software.

    Next question:
    Is it possible to have the liquid evaporate? The Smoke dissipation parameter does not seem to have any influence on liquids.

    My setup is that I would like to have a word written in liquid in an animation. The problem is that no matter what I seem to do, the word eventually gets kind of covered in running water, which makes the word very hard to read.

    What I would like is to have the water evaporate before it has gone far away from the initial discharge position (the letter mesh).

    Currently am I turning to Smoke (meshed) to get to the dissipation parameter available. But I was wondering is I had an evaporate option when working with liquids?

  • #2
    there is no evaporate option, but i wonder why the word is covered by water, i think the gravity should make it to go away.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Your are right about gravity eventually deleting the excess water.

      But imagine a P discharging water, it quickly turns into a R. and so on.
      Anway, I think I can do the effect I want with smoke.

